outdoor LED video display
P5 P6.6 P8 P10 outdoor LED video display
In terms of pixel pitch, Haian outdoor video display offers 5mm, 6.67mm, 8mm and 10mm. Different pixel pitches correspond to different screen definition and viewing distance.
What is a good outdoor LED display? Different suppliers have different answers. Haian’s answer is that stability is the best quality.
Some interesting details can explain something. Haian outdoor video display uses fan cooling as a heat dissipation system, which is an efficient and stable heat dissipation system. However, some competitors remove the air outlets on LED module and LED cabinet in order to obtain better production efficiency, which greatly reduces the heat dissipation capacity of the LED display.
We have to explain to customers that a permanently installed outdoor LED display needs a good heat dissipation system as the sun will add additional heat to the LED display.
Haian outdoor video display uses Meanwell LRS-350-5 power supply. This design is able to meet global installations since many customers have a special liking for Meanwell brand.
Haian has rich experience in achieving pixel-to-pixel display. By processing the pixels of the video source, it matches the resolution of the outdoor video display to obtain the sharpest display.

Product Name | P5 Outdoor Video Display | P6 Outdoor Video Display | P8 Outdoor Video Display | P10 Outdoor Video Display |
Pixel Pitch | 5mm | 6.67mm | 8mm | 10mm |
LED Module (mm) | 320mm x 320mm | 320mm x 320mm | 320mm x 320mm | 320mm x 320mm |
Signal Input | HUB75 | HUB75 | HUB75 | HUB75 |
Power Input | 5v | 5v | 5v | 5v |
LED Pixel | 1921 | 2727 | 2727 | 3535 |
Scan Mode | 1/8 | 1/4 | 1/4 | 1/2 |
Brightness (cd/m2) | ≥6,500 | ≥6,500 | ≥6,500 | ≥6,500 |
Grayscale | ≥15bit | ≥15bit | ≥15bit | ≥15bit |
Refresh Rate | ≥3,840Hz | ≥3,840Hz | ≥3,840Hz | ≥3,840Hz |
Cabinet Material | Aluminum / Iron | Aluminum / Iron | Aluminum / Iron | Aluminum / Iron |
Cabinet Size (mm) | 960mm x 960mm | 960mm x 960mm | 960mm x 960mm | 960mm x 960mm |
Double Sided | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Custom-Made Cabinet | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Install | Front Install | Front Install | Front Install | Front Install |
Service | Front Service | Front Service | Front Service | Front Service |

Outdoor video display
The above parameters show what kind of outdoor video display Haian will deliver to customers.
Grayscale is the display depth of an outdoor video display. The higher grayscale, the higher video display’s ability to restore video source.
Refresh rate is the display speed of an outdoor video display. When the refresh rate is better than 3,840Hz, pictures and videos taken with a mobile phone or camera will not have scan lines.
Whether it is grayscale or refresh rate, Haian outdoor video display provides a very high level.
Then we have to mention brightness. Haian outdoor video display provides high brightness. We believe that high brightness not only makes the display clearer and sharper under the sun, but also brings a better lifespan.
If you are looking for P4, P3.3, P2.5, P2, please go to another page!
Top quality!
Double sided
Some projects require a double-sided LED display.
Front-mounted LED modules, coupled with double-sided cabinets, make Haian outdoor video display the perfect choice for double-sided LED displays.
Many competitors’ products remove the possibility of double-sided screens and go for back-to-back installation. Haian believes this is a compromise and a step back.
The flexibility of the cabinet is the best reflection of Haian outdoor video display’s competitiveness. This flexibility not only increases many possibilities on the project, but also makes the entire project look better.
Custom-made cabinets give Haian outdoor video display a lot of room for fixing. Because no matter what, Haian is able to provide a design to match the mounting frame.
Haian will be happy if customer has special needs, and this is what Haian is good at.